It’s known that an average human adult require seven to eight hours of sleep every night.
The prescription of sleeping pills is constantly on the rise – which is rather drastic, if you ask us. Insomnia like other conditions is our body’s way of telling us that something’s not quite right. Instead of finding the root cause of the issue, we push our body away from its natural state even more by prescription pills. We strongly recommended that the natural soothing moist heat of the steam be given a chance.
What is Insomnia?
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder which can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to fall back to sleep again. Insomnia can snap your energy levels, mood, health, work performance and overall quality of life.
Insomnia may be a primary problem, or it may be associated with other medical conditions or even medication!
Chronic insomnia is when you cannot sleep for a month or more, is usually a result of stress, life events or habits that disrupt sleep. Treating the underlying cause can resolve the insomnia, although sometimes this may take years.
Diagnosing Insomnia:
• Physical examination: to look for signs of medical problems related to insomnia or a blood test even to check for example the thyroid or some other condition associated with poor sleep.
• Sleep habits review: to check the sleep-wake pattern and the level of daytime sleepiness. One may be asked to keep a sleep diary for a couple of weeks.
• Sleep study: If the cause of insomnia isn’t clear, tests are done to monitor and record a variety of body activities in sleep, including brain waves, breathing, heartbeat, eye movements and body movements.
No matter what the age, small changes in the routine during the day can lead to better sleep. Some basic tips and home remedies include:
1. Stick to a sleep schedule of when you sleep and when you wake up. Stick to it even on weekends.
2. Stay active: Regular activity or exercise a few hours before bed time helps promote a good night’s sleep.
3. Avoid or limit day time naps: These can make it harder to fall asleep at night.
4. Avoid or limit caffeine and alcohol and don’t use nicotine. All of these can make it harder to sleep.
5. Avoid large meals before bed time.
6. Make your bedroom comfortable for sleep. Keep it dark and quiet and at a comfortable temperature.
Although, at first we might think that a steam bath or a shower or just getting wet in our showers would be counterproductive toward sleeping, studies have shown otherwise. The controlled, distraction-free environment of a steam room can help facilitate calm and relaxation deep within the layers of your body that aides sleep.
The effects of warm steam inhalation on sleep have been studied closely. This study aimed to examine the effects of warm steam inhalation before bedtime on subsequent sleep quality. According to the study findings, warm steam inhalation before bedtime induced psychological relaxation and increased deep sleep in the early sleep episode, leading to an improved subjective sleep quality in participants with mild sleep difficulties and anxiety. These results suggest that safe and easy inhalation of warm steam may have favorable effects on relaxation and sleep. .
By alleviating physical aches and pains such as headaches, muscle soreness or joint pain, a steam session takes away many things that might disturb a nights rest.
Give steam bath a chance, in the comfort of your current shower room without any breakage, construction or hassles. Call today!
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