
How to Install SteamPro?



  • Measure your existing shower space (LengthxBreadthXHeight). Along with the shower area dimensions, make a note of the materials used in the walls of your shower space; glass/stone/tiles etc.
  • Contact our technician to get your recommended steam unit power to drive natural wellness at home.
  • After discussing with our executives all your thoughts, queries or concerns, all you are left with is to book your SteamPro
  • Installation: Our SteamPro Executive will visit your home for installation
    • First Visit:
      • Based on your bathroom layout, we will recommend the best space for your steam unit to be installed; under washbasin sink, next to the geyser or shower cubicle, or even on the wall behind your bathroom!
      • We’ll make your shower cubicle air-tight to ensure no heat loss.
      • We perform systems checks; Plumbing, Electricals.
    • Second Visit:
      • We deliver your SteamPro unit and our technicians will install your brand new SteamPro
      • Testing & handover – the technicians will put the installed unit through real-life testing scenarios before finally handing it over to you
  • You are now ready to enjoy extreme sensory pleasures with your new SteamPro! Enjoy.. but do remember, we are at your disposal 24/7

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